VAT claims submitted under the Overseas Refund Scheme will be subject to delays due to changes in HMRC’s working practices during the COVID-19 pandemic, the tax authority has stated.

The delays relate to payments due to overseas businesses that are not established in the EU.

The affected claims are those within the prescribed year 1 July 2018 to 30 June 2019, submitted on or before 31 December 2019.

HMRC says the move to working from home, in line with government guidance on 23 March, has affected some of its operational processes.

As a result, while its objective is to process and refund overseas VAT claims within six months of the submission deadline of 31 December the changes mean the department is unable to meet this deadline for some of the 2018/19 claims.

HMRC now expects to pay valid 2018/19 claims by 30 September.

Further information on the delayed repayments can be found here.

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