On 26 May, HMRC opened up its Statutory Sick Pay (SSP) rebate claim service. Eligible employers are able to recoup up to two weeks’ worth of SSP payments made to employees off work for coronavirus (COVID-19)-related reasons since 13 March 2020 (16 March 2020 if the employee was shielding). This is an ongoing scheme for which an end date has not yet been announced.

The scheme is potentially worth up to £191.70 per employee that an employer has made SSP payments to for COVID-19-related reasons.

For the purposes of making a claim, it doesn’t matter whether the employee was displaying symptoms themselves or was living with someone who was displaying symptoms. It also doesn’t matter whether the employer topped up their earnings (although only the SSP element is eligible for the rebate).

A rebate cannot, however, be claimed in relation to employees who were furloughed at the time of illness or absence, and for whom the separate Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme (CJRS) grant was claimed.

Employers will be eligible for an SSP rebate if they had a Pay as You Earn (PAYE) scheme as at 28 February 2020, and (along with any connected employer) employed fewer than 250 employees as at that date. Employers must also be within their State Aid limits under the EU Commission temporary framework.

More information can be found here.

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